What bluray players are recommended these days?
Sony Playstation 3.
I'm serious. It is a perfectly good blu-ray player, provided you get one of several available adapters that lets you use an infrared remote with it. It has great 1080p HDMI output, and digital optical output in several selectable bitstream formats as well. Because, as a current-gen gaming system, it's meant to be internet-connected at all times, it can do the Blu-ray thing of getting updates from the internet. For example, there was a new standard for 3D blu-ray that came out in April 2010, and an OS update for the PS3 made it compatible with that standard. There's also an upcoming standard for higher capacity blu-ray discs that supposedly will also be supported by the PS3 via an upgrade. (
Its price is very similar to stand-alone BD players, but with this one you can play Little Big Planet and the Uncharted series on it.