Did I read it right that company A, no longer exists. Also that you were offered a job at, or lateral transfer to E when A vanished, and there are only two who were allowed to make that jump?

That's a messy circumstance, on one hand, a class of only two, would not likely be a big cost to company E, but E might not want to create a precedent that your other coworkers might then claim.

It's apparent you and your fellow feel yourselves to be members of a special class. The trick will be having some way to show it. Did you retain any benefits or differences in benefits, granted by A, not normally granted to E's other employees?

If your tenure at E has been under the same terms as every one else, it's going to be hard to claim any additional entitlements.

Did you sign a contract with A, and does it still apply? Or did E have you sign new papers?