Matt: Yes, they're not legally obliged to give me any more than they're currently offering, it's more of a moral issue than a legal one.

Glenn: No, A still exists until the end of the month. Although we were made to sign new contracts with the parent company, so it's not a clear-cut legal thing. But the union thinks there's a fair bit of wiggle room in the contracts. There's only two of us in this situation, we are 'unique' within the immediate business (B) and there's unlikely to ever be anyone else like us again. I'm not out to try and negotiate better terms for people who've always worked for company E.

Cris: I've asked about the assets and they didn't give a clear answer. I'm not 100% confident I'd recoup my money. In terms of them meeting me in the middle, they've not even left their side yet, and currently I'm not sure they will.

I think the only option that might yield results is to go the group and appeal to them. It was, after all their decision to retain the business and place it in company E. They negotiated the continuation of the redundancy terms for the people in company B. Why can't they do it for us?

Thanks for your responses everyone, I can sit down and write my appeal letter tonight with a clear conscience.

Andy M