Originally Posted By: tahir
Looking at the plan a bit of a roof overhang on the W & E would make a huge difference to the amount of morning and evening sun, S would deal with the rest of the day. A bit of external insulation on the roof would help too.
As a matter of act, there is about a 1-meter wide soffit above both the East and the West windows, but by the time the sun has climbed high enough that the soffits would offer shade, it has swung around enough that the awnings on the South windows have taken over the job of sun blockage.

Insulating the roof is not easy. The ceilings are domed, and thus the roof (outside) is domed as well. It isn't just a matter of laying down sheets of styrofoam insulation, it has to be cut and shaped to fit the contours of the roof. I got an estimate, don't remember exactly how much it was, but the A/C was cheaper.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"