Originally Posted By: Dignan

Personalized menus isn't as prevalent as you seem to be making it out. Yes, I hated it in Office, but it was easy to turn off and wasn't in the product for long. Where else have you seen it?

Start menu (in two different ways.) System Tray.

Also the dumbing down of everything. The new control panel. Simple file sharing. I guess it doesn't bother me as much that they tried to abstract away some of the detail, but more that it seemed like they assume that normal people are too dumb to learn so they make the decisions that are "best" for you. More often than not, they made the wrong decision.

For instance, I put the 6-8 programs I used most often on the Quick Launch bar on the taskbar. One click from anywhere in the OS. Then, MS decides that the programs I most need to go on the main start menu, where they take two clicks. Not only that, they're redundant, because I already have them on my Quick Launch bar. Not only that, but they turn Quick Launch off by default, which is the best way to start programs that you use frequently. Then, they arbitrarily decide that when you install Office you need New Office Document links on the main start menu instead of with every other program where it belongs. It's niggling details like that, but they add up to frustration. I was constantly undoing and reorganizing the stuff that they did for me.

I guess Apple does the same thing in some ways, but they get the decision right most of the time smile.
~ John