I received the MyTouch 4G slide last night and loaded the latest CM9 alpha on it. Good lord, HTC Sense is even worse than I thought it would be! The rooting process was, as expected, more of a pain in the ass than it was for my Nexus. I had to do some "S-OFF" procedure first, which apparently used to require using a length of wire to bridge two contacts on the inside of the phone, but can now be done via some ridiculous brute-force exploit. After that, I was able to root the phone and load the ROM. I really don't get why these manufacturers think making it harder to keep their shitty skinware on the phone is going to help their bottom line, but at least their developers are shitty enough to allow exploits that let me get rid of it.

The phone's heavier than my Nexus, which I guess is to be expected with the slider form factor. I didn't really get to test the 4G speed last night, and since she only has 200MB to work with right now, I figured I'd hold off until she had a legit reason to use it.

The wifi calling seems to work well, but it's disappointing (though unsurprising) that it uses plan minutes, even though it's not using their cellular network. This probably won't be as much of an issue if we move to a family plan when my Sprint contract expires next year.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff