Originally Posted By: tonyc
Not so surprising when Google would have to explain to the carriers why customers are dropping down to the bare minimum number of minutes on their plans because they can dial for free through Google Voice.

The carriers are starting to notice the reduced minute usage, and are slowly moving to get rid of the bottom tiered plans. This move is similar to what they did with text messaging, where they offer pretty much $0.20 per message rates, maybe one bundle around $15 or so, then unlimited for $20.

I noticed AT&T also recently bumped up their data plans a little bit. The old tiers were 200MB, 2GB and 4GB with tethering. Now it's 300/3/5, but with a slight price bump as well.

I'm pretty much sold on going to prepaid here soon. With T-Mobile realigning their towers to support the iPhone, and more AT&T MVNO options appearing, it's better then when I looked last year.