Originally Posted By: Shonky
So maybe build in the ability to cheat but prevent that working in any online connection? Not sure that makes much difference really. Weren't things like Punkbuster created to prevent this?

This is the thing, cheating used to clearly be something that was built into the games. It seems the programmers got a kick out of it too, and that's how you ended up with the Konami code or idkfa in DOOM (thanks, Tim, that brought back memories). But it seems like now the emphasis is on multiplayer/social in all aspects of gaming, but the fact that I dislike multiplayer is actually beside the point. As we move towards online distribution, I should be allowed to turn off all this social stuff if I want to cheat, or the cheats should be built in so that the game can tell when you're doing it, and not have it impact your standing with the service you're using.

Steam has this VAC or whatever they called, that's designed to catch cheaters and boot them. That's what's worrying me. I don't want to get booted just because I wanted to screw around in a game I theoretically own.

Have you ever spawned 50 cars in GTA and blown them all up? It's pretty darned fun if your video card doesn't explode too.

Anyway, thanks for the responses. It's good to hear that I'm not alone so far! smile