Originally Posted By: Dignan
It's good to hear that I'm not alone so far!
I am not a serious gamer. By that I mean that yes, I spend a fair bit of time (couple hours a week) playing games, but the only games I play are DOOM and Quake3 Arena.

I'm not looking for a challenge when I play. I just like to blow sh*t up, and shoot monsters before they shoot me. I have more than 1500 third-party DOOM levels, many of which I consider to be so difficult as to be unplayable. So I don't play them. Some of them are quite playable and fun with just a touch more ammo so I "idkfa" them, or throw in an occasional "idbeholdr" or "idbeholdl" and I'm ready to go. (But never "iddqd". After all, I'm not a complete wuss!) smile

It's my game, I play by myself, so I figure I can do whatever I like with it to make it enjoyable to me. As for the newer FPS games... I just don't want to work that hard in order to have my fun.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"