Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Originally Posted By: JeffS
In my own house I almost never use my PC except as a media content provider- and that is certainly not a strength of the OS. Almost everything I used to do on my PC I now do on my iPad.
That is just... I dunno, words fail me. But, wouldn't you know it, Jeff, just like always when you and I get to talking it is about a difference in religion. smile

Hahahaha- well to be fair I DO use a laptop for work and it is quite heavy duty and very powerful.

But at home I mostly just consume content, and for that the iPad is aces. If I was doing more stuff then I'd certainly need something more powerful, but it turns out most of my computing needs are consuming media (music, movies, books), surfing the web, email,and simple games. I guess I get my fill of heavy duty computing at work.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.