Parrot MKi9200 is a really nice device. Very reliable. It never failed on me in any way.
In my car, I have an Alpine iDA-X100 connected to an iPod classic 160GB, and I also have a Parrot MKi9200 connected to the Alpine unit via Aux.
I originally bough the Parrot to be used as a BT interface to my Phone, exclusively as hands free system.
However, I use my HTC Titan as my main music player when I am around, it contains a nice and well thought of selection from my collection, so even though it is not big enough (16GB only) to contain all of it, it contains most of my favorite tracks. And, it contains my playlists. So, I ended up using the HTC Titan connected via A2CP to the MKi9200 more than the iPod.
Which tells you a lot about how poorly implemented the iDA-X100 GUI in controlling the iPod is: I did try hard to get used to it, but having to browse through my collection is so painful I basically only skip tracks forwards and backwards. So, Parrot it is most times. At least, I can resume play where I left when I get in the car and when I get out. And I have my playlists.
So, if I were you, I'd either go with the MKi9200 or I would go directly with a Parrot Asteroid as a central main unit. Which I am actually considering in case I decide to give the MKi9200 to my girlfriend for her car.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg