I have the clear impression that my WMALossless tracks sound better than the 320bps MP3s, when I play them via BT from my phone over to the car sound system (via the Parrot MKi9200). If I understand correctly what has been said in this thread, that would not make much sense, would it?

Now, my impressions mean little because they're different tracks, from different CDs. But, at home the original CDs don't sound THAT different (that's one test I made out of curiosity).

I plan to make MP3s and WMALossless of the same tracks and test.

Should my impressions be confirmed, I would not know how to explain it.
Is it possible that WMALossless are trated differently? Or, maybe when re-encoded by A2DP to be sent over BT the result is better somehow? or maybe MP3s are re-encoded and WMALossess are not?
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg