What is the purpose of adding a cd changer to the empeg? What would the advantage be compared to converting those few ten or twelve CDs into MP3 and put them all in the empeg?
I may understand the need of a simple, single CD player that let's you play the one cd a friend brough without notice, ok... (But not that useful, even in that case. Honestly I would never want the empeg guys spend time in that rather than in anything else in the development of the empeg sw/hw)
But with the cd changer what is the big deal? I mean, if you have to sit and decide what cds out of your cd collection to bring down to the car, than you also have time to convent them into MP3 and upload them in the empeg player. Or am I missing something? Not to mention the fact that you avoid totally the risk to scratch your original CDs. I see the empeg as the final solution NOT to bring CDs with me, and to avoid to install other useless boxes in my car (namely, a cd changer)... Anyway, just my idea. :)

= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg