Chris, you have some amazing work in your blog. Congratulations! (Of course I could not help giving a look at that now, from the office... :D).
Do you also have a Flickr account maybe, for your non-professional work?

I don't really do flickr to be honest, and rarely take pictures in my personal life. Just one of those things, I'm not the sort of guy who walks around on holiday with a 5D Mk III and a 70-200. Pictures have a purpose for me, and usually it's someone else's purpose.
Canon have unfortunately discontinued the 15mm fish eye, and it has been replaced with an 8-15mm L series fisheye. But last time I looked the old ones were still affordable on eBay etc...
If you currently have a cropped sensor and don't intend on going full frame then an 8mm fisheye will be much more fun for you

Download the trial of Lightroom and start playing with the sliders in the Develop module. Looking at your edit I think you'll enjoy the "Clarity" slider.