\The in built flash is something that most people why buy [digital] full frame don't want.
... because no full-frame digital cameras had on-board flashes until very very recently. Self fulfilling marketing there.

But now that Sony and Nikon are in the game, I imagine Canon will finally, grudgingly, add an on-board flash in a year or two. Then I can finally update the rig and get the other very nice improvements that have happened in the interim.
Or just scrap it all for the latest Google Nexus with 45mpixels, after they get the technology from Nokia/Microsoft.

BIG cameras should always be better than phone cameras (more space for better components), but the bar for both is moving quickly. I don't think it will be much longer before somebody like me is "happy enough" with my phone as a camera (despite the lousy "flash"), rather than the 15lb kit I currently tote about. People like Chris will need better gear for their paid stuff of course.