Originally Posted By: andy
But as we've now established, it is a work machine and can't be messed with.

Oops, sorry, I was not paying attention enough.

Not quite. It uses what is basically an mSATA drive with a slightly different header. And apart from Apple there appears to be only OWC that actually supply alternative drives.
Interesting. It does look similar to a mSATA in the picture posted by Aaron. Now I am curious: does anyone know why a different connector? It does not look particularly smaller?

Back on topic, besides of course decreasing the amt of data she wants to carry with her all the time, the only other option I see in this case is a small (physically) external USB / Thunderbolt drive to be connected only when needed. Or, to increase portability even more, a particularly large (64GB) pendrive? The Nifty Minidrive and the elago Nano II compact USB microSDHC card reader mentioned above look very nice. Thanks for posting them here, I did not know those.

Edited by Taym (06/02/2013 08:03)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg