I recommend "Crash Proof 2.0" and "The Real Crash" both by Peter Schiff, as well as his commentary and materials at europac.net

The guys who got it right are the "Austrian" economists, a school of economics founded by Ludwig Von Mises. They guys who got it wrong (and continue to get it wrong, and are in power) are the Keynesians, championed and popularized today by the moron Paul Krugman.

If you want to learn about economics, then mises.org is your place, starting with "Human Action" by Mises, or "Man, Economy and State" by Murray Rothbard (I am a huge fan of Rothbard).

Now, this is controversial, but the fact is that guys like Tom Woods, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and others (all of the Austrian school) got it right, while the rest of America went into foreclosure. For some examples f this, check YouTube for "Peter Schiff was right" compilations of him warning about sub-prime mortgages causing a financial crisis in 2005 - and being mocked and laughed at.

I'm not making a political point (in this post), but IMHO if you want to profit in the marketplace, you want to be familiar with these Austrian economic principles. :-)
