"If you have decyphered the structure of MySQL database (and it cannot be too complicated), writing a Perl, tcl or Python script that reads the DB and writes an emptool script should be difficult..."

Yes, you can see the whole database structure through the PHP admin tool, it is pretty simple, and I am thinking of a perl script to do what you say. However, it looks like the DDJ DB (or at least the front end to it) is not set up to support creation of many-to-one playlist-to-song relationships so, for now, Emplode allows creation of more flexible playlists. Not sure that this is set in stone, and I guess I could try to create a different front end to MySQL instead of DDJ while letting Grip continue to add titles to the DB. Grip and DDJ are still actively supported by their author, Mike Oliphant. As summer wanes (and I get more interested in potential winter projects) I should probably e-mail Mike with a descripotion of what I'd like to do to see if there's any possible convergence with his plans. Ideally, it'd be great to have the same playlists on both systems (that'd also be a way of always having a playlist backup) and it'd be quite cool to be able to add a song/album to playlists (beyond artist) right at the time you rip/encode.




'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.