Aha okay, here's something interesting:


Back in the early aughts, Microsoft wanted to sell folks on the idea of a tablet PC you carried around the house which RDP'd into your desktop computer. It didn't fly, but Viewsonic managed to make a few of these, which can be had for about 100 bucks on Ebay:

- 15" diagonal screen, 4:3 aspect ratio (EXACTLY PRECISELY the size and shape I want because that's 9" x 12" viewable area)

- Battery powered (LI-Ion 4-hour rechargable, I'll have to see about replacement batteries).

- WiFi with the ability to RDP into a Windows PC. (Via a Windows CE os with an RDP client built in.)

If I kept a real laptop off in the corner somewhere and used this as a remote display, this could be perfect.

One catch: this thing has to have the ability to run in portrait mode, with the RDP display going full screen in portrait mode.

Can anyone with better google-fu tell this thing will do portrait mode? My searches aren't coming up with much and all the pics show landscape mode.
Tony Fabris