Originally Posted By: drakino
Doesn't look like Blue will make people happy though if their main complaint about 8 is TAFKAM (the artist formally known as Metro).

For me, I have three complaints about 8.

1- "When I click this thing, where will I end up?" I can be in "Metro" or the desktop, and I'll never know if clicking on something will take me to the other interface. This is fundamentally a terrible UI design.

2- Metro is nice and frankly I wouldn't mind using it, but as far as I can tell Microsoft has made it difficult for users to replace elements with non-Microsoft pieces. Using Google products in the Metro UI is nearly impossible.

3- I cannot get used to full-screen computing. I NEED a windowed interface. Just this morning I was working between four Windows - all of which I could see at the same time on my 30" monitor. Windows 8 does not care about me in this regard. It's either full screen or a 2/3rds-1/3rds mode. Ugh.