Well written article, and I agree with most of it. It's a shame the messaging problem blew up to this proportion. I hope it was actual preorder numbers driving this choice, not purely the internet mob.
Perhaps some of these benefits will still remain viable, but on the digital side only. Even in the poking Sony did at Microsoft, there were disclaimers that pretty much show the PS4 will be similar for the digital side. The only big difference was Microsoft trying to make discs an install only medium to grant the digital license, ala Steam. Then adding a resale market to those discs that normally wouldn't exist.
Interesting comment on that story:
It’s somewhat moot now since they’ve reversed the policy, but they said when the lifecycle of the console is over and their servers are down, they eliminate all online checks.
Had that been more clear, I would have been more comfortable buying into the system, since it's the same thing Steam has in place.