> Odd that the empeg-car driver will install if it
> depends on a host controller and no host controller is installed.

The Linux USB stuff is quite new and very dynamic. I don't think
the process of nailing down module dependencies is very high on anyone's
list at the moment.

It sounds like you're not installing the modules in the correct order.
First of all install usb-uhci (or uhci, different version of driver),
this should autoload usbcore, then load empeg-car.o. Since empeg-car
depends on a host controller, you could argue that it should load one,
however it doesn't know which one you need (uhci/ohci). Since this
dependency on a variable is quite recent, there doesn't seem to be
a convention to do it yet. You can do something like this if you
want to automate it, add to /etc/conf.modules:
pre-install empeg-car modprobe usb-uhci

