That is quite a beautiful video there. I'd love to see more. I particularly like the clouds and their shadows.

You know, watching that video makes me think of something that I'd love to see...

Sometimes I like to take 3D photographs of large things such as clouds or mountains, by quickly moving perpendicularly to the object. Example: Flying past Mount Rainier on a passenger jet, just by snapping a bunch of photos as I flew past, I was able to choose two lined-up photographs, which, in the end, make an amazing 3D photo. Because the positions of the photos are very far apart, the resulting 3D photo (if you can view it with the cross-eye technique) looks like it's very small, as if you could reach out and touch it (and cut your fingers on the crags).

I'd love to see something like your time lapse of the clouds, done with two cameras, spaced very far apart so that the 3D effect is extreme. One could put up the two videos as side-by side images in a single video frame, so you could view it in 3D with the cross-eye technique, like my example linked above.

Maybe someday I'll get a couple of GoPro's and try it.

*EDIT*: Like this, only with mountains and clouds. Or more like this but with real things instead of CG.

*EDIT*: Okay This one is exactly what I'm talking about, except, they didn't get the cameras far enough apart, the clouds aren't quite 3D enough.

*EDIT*: Holy cow, it turns out that, if you upload the file to Youtube correctly (as a 3D video specifically), then Youtube offers a plethora of 3D playback options that you can select from the little "3D" menu at the bottom of the window. Chromatic, side by side, swap sides, etc. here is an example. Wow.

*EDIT*: Aha. there we go. That's what I'm talking about.

Edited by tfabris (16/08/2013 19:09)