So, I guess that any landing you can walk away from is a good one...
Yeah, provided that you're on your home planet where they can come get you with relative ease. Walking away from a "landing" on another celestial body can be a more problematic situation.
Got your rescue mission en route yet?

I've been trying the career mode, and it's a lot of fun trying to scour Kerbin and the Mun for different biomes to get science to purchase part upgrades. I've done several missions around Kerbin just to test out rocket designs and incidentally collect science points. The two Mun landings I've done netted me 900 science points on the first run, and I'm in the middle of the second run and it's netted me 1400 science points so far because I had a rover loaded with science experiments, a transmitter, batteries and solar panels. I've traveled scores of kilometers in that rover so far.