Dragging up an old thread:

It's now almost exactly a year after I bought the TP32 and it's dead. Well, not entirely dead, but instead of playing music, you just get white noise. Might as well be dead.

Assuming, for the sake of discussion, that the vendor doesn't offer any meaningful warranty service (wouldn't that be a surprise), I want another box that slots into the same space on my desk: compact, USB DAC, modest amp to drive bookshelf speakers.

What are my choices? Topping continues to sell its wares through Amazon. Sony sells the very spendy UDA-1. I shouldn't have to spend $800 for this. The Teac AH01 is $400, which is more in the ballpark, but still more than the $130-ish for the Topping.

Am I missing something? There seem to be tons of vendors selling USB DAC / headphone amps, but hardly any selling a single box compact solution to my problem. What's up with that?