Can you still get updates to the maps for your old unit, and can you take those updates without losing the features you want?
But with caveats. The new maps are too large for my unit, but apparently I can install them in "zones", I haven't investigated fully, but I have the impression that I could install the North America map excluding Canada (sorry, Mark) and just have USA and Mexico. However, for my purposes my old maps are OK. There are only two major changes in Guadalajara since my maps were made (elevated access onto and off of Calle Lazaro Cardenas) and since I know about them, I can deal with them without difficulty. No doubt the newer maps would be more refined, with corrections about one-way streets and the like. So far I haven't come across any compelling reasons to upgrade.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
The firmware can be updated separately from the maps.