This one is baffling, and I'm completely lost as to what is going on or how to rectify it.

I have two Redhat (not my choice) V5 Workstations. They are locked down pretty thoroughly, not on an external network, each person with root access has a normal account and then an account that belongs to the wheel group, etc. It is fairly obscene.

On one of the systems, my admin account absolutely refuses to let me to log in. We've reset the password using both passwd and the config-system-users dialog. Nothing looks out of place, the account isn't expired/locked or anything. Deleting the account and then readding it didn't help.

On the other system, the exact same thing is going on with another user. That one had a mismatch between /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow that I fixed, but everything else looks normal. I have no problems logging in, but he can't, no matter what we do to the password or the account.

Anybody have any ideas/suggestions about what is going on?