Originally Posted By: tfabris

It seems like the kind of device which would have its own ASIO driver already (thus relieving you of the need to use ASIO4All). If so, somewhere there should be settings for its buffer sizes, which control the overall latency. Sometimes increasing the buffer size, which increases the latency, will reduce the chances of audio glitches. Which may be what you did already like you said at the top of the thread and we're going in circles now. :-)

smile Yes. As per their instructions, I increased the USB buffer from 1 ms to 3 ms. That seemed to help a bit, but not completely solve this issue.
Things I'll try first now: 1) update the graphic card drivers as said. 2) install the Asio4all drivers and see what that gives.

Ah, btw, this is the links they've sent me with their troubleshooting guide: click. I've not tried everything on that list yet, but the things I've done so far have made a difference.
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