Anyone else got the One yet? Rob R. surely?
I've had mine for a couple of days now, and thus far it seems a nice enough (though LARGE) phone. Random observations:
CM11S is very similar to stock Android on the surface, which made the transition from my Galaxy Nexus to this pretty easy.
I like the Privacy Guard features, and have carefully gone through and set restrictions on each and every app.
At last.. a setting to DISABLE wake on power connect/disconnect!!
LTE is quick, though even HSPA (not even HSPA+) was never really a bottleneck for me. It's a phone, not a server!
Well, not really a phone. I do use it as such from time to time, but mostly it is "the internet in my pocket" (yes, that's a smartphone, I'm not quite
that happy to see you).

The stock ($15) flip case is a lot better than the forums at OnePlus might let on. I'm using it until the glass screen protector (eBay) arrives, but might just keep using even after that.
Less lag than the G.Nexus -- definitely a faster phone, but not really a huge leap that I've noticed so far, other than screen size.
The on-screen keyboard in portrait mode is finally large enough now for my stubby fingertips. I switched back to the G.Nexus briefly and was shocked how tiny the on-screen buttons were!
No extra invites yet, but they do claim to be stepping up with them this month. If any arrive, I'll offer them here first.