I was very happy with my Olympus TG-2 (they have a TG-3 out now I think). It was rugged enough to take snorkeling, taking pics and video underwater in the Pacific ocean with no special case or precautions. Just take the camera straight into the water and out again. That thing took most of my pictures in Kauai, and the DSLR stayed put away most of the time. I was quite happy with it. Example photos attached (all sized to 50 percent and data-compressed to make them fit the BBS limitations easier).

However, the only reason I chose the TG-2 above the other possible rugged/waterproof cameras was because it got top marks for having correct color balance when taking underwater photos, which was my primary goal for the camera. If you're not taking underwater photos then you can get any of the ruggedized waterproof compact cameras on the market, and get them based on their feature set. My TG-2 would not have met your zoom requirement without an extra attachment lens (which I got, but which I found out was a hassle that was not worth it).

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Tony Fabris