I've got a Neo Installed, and I can tell you : I'm still looking at the Empeg every day. But I decided to get the Neo. Why? Mostly because I don't have a Double Din slot and I didn't want to get rid of my 900$ Head unit.

The Neo is a good product, but it lacks some features the empeg DOES have :

1) it does NOT have a search function. And believe me, this is a hassle when you've got the 60gig version (7000 + songs)

2) The remote display is not as clear and doesn't show the cool graphics the empeg does.

3) It comes with a 3.5" drive. (though there's nothing stopping you from using a laptop harddrive with it if you want to). I personally haven't had any problems using a 3.5" HD though (touch wood)

4) The firmware is not yet optimized. There are some known problems with playlists playing and Id3v2 tags. Nothing major though.

But some words in the Neo's defence too :

1) It's cheaper. (though that was not really an issue for me - and if you start using laptop HD, prices become comparable)
2) Sound quality is good.
3) The second gen product (neo jukebox) is now noise free too.

I haven't regretted my purchase yet, but there is no doubt in my mind that, if I hadn't had that 900$ Head unit already, OR I had another free din slot I would've bought an Empeg. The Neo was simply a better choise for my needs at that particular moment.

Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup