I've really got more projects going than I'll ever complete but I was thinking of add one more to the list. Maybe at the top.

I hate mowing the grass. I recently bought a new 60 inch zero turn mower and that has made it a little better, but I still hate it. Anyway, I got to thinking. To make this thing go and mow you just pull or push two levers. Not a lot going on here. I would think it wouldn't be too hard to hook up some servos to these levers and remote enable this thing. I could manually start it, turn on the blades and set the throttle. Then use a model airplane type remote setup to control it's movement. For safety I could hook a remote kill switch to the seat sensor that I could use to kill it if it became self-aware.

I live in the country so the chances of running over a neighbor is pretty low.

I think I could rig the servo arms so they could be disconnected easily so I could manually trim around trees and the like.

Any opinion on effort, money involved, etc?

Looks like I could even get parts used on a commercial version.....
