Choices available to me:

- One plan will buy back power at "wholesale" rates while selling me power at "retail" rates. (Wholesale being like half the price of retail.)

- Two plans that buy and sell at the same price. It's like the meter runs forward or backward at the same rate, but if you go negative for a month, it's "banked" for the next month. If you're negative for a full year, then I think it resets to zero. I have one of these plans.

- There's an oddball "free electricity after 9pm" plan that some solar people have signed up for. The idea, broadly, is that if you've got an electric car that's drawing a ton of current at night, you might still come out ahead, even if you've got excess power being generated during the day when you're not home. (Even then, though, the marginal rate for day-time power on this plan is something like 50% higher than other plans. Seems like a gimmick to me.)

Contrast this with California, where base rates are much higher than Texas and they've got tiered pricing. (Use more than X, and your marginal rates increase.) Solar helps keep you out of the higher tier. And you've got other state incentives when you install. It's pretty much a no-brainer.