If you select the last song, it will only play the last song. If you select the album, it will start playing from the beginning of the album. If you then skip to the last song, it will play the last song, and stop. If you press forward, it will want to start the album over again from the beginning.

If you're in the middle of the last song (at any point where it hasn't stopped playing yet) and you hit forward, it skips to the first song on the album and wants to play the album over again.

If memory serves, it wouldn't just autorepeat an album. If you tell it to play anything (album, or song) it will play that and then stop. Then you have the option (by pressing one button) to restart that song or playlist.

--Chris Willenbrock
MK2 | 12GB | Queue Registration # 2 (really!)
- Chris Orig. Empeg Queue position 2