Thanks for mentioning the Enermax. The PSU in my main desktop (an Enlight case/PSU) smoked Tuesday and I picked up an Enermax 350. Much quieter and lots of 3-ping connectors.

Coincidentally, my eye was caught by a Lian Le PC-60 aluminum case. At first the price (~$170 USD) started to give me chest pains, but when I popped the hood I had to get it. 4x5.25 bays and EIGHT x 3.5 in a case not much bigger than the Enlight. I was challenged to hook up 4 IDE drives to an Arco IDE RAID controller in the Enlight, but in the PC-60, no sweat. Now all the hard drives sit on edge in that lower 5-slot rack (right behind a pair of fans) leaving all the front accessible 5.25 slots free for CD/CDR/DVD -- this will allow me to add a removable IDE HD for backup purposes. Also, even with *5* fans (2 in the PSU), this case/fan combo is noticable quieter than the Enlight. No idea of the aluminum construction really dows anything to improve cooling, but it looks neat.



'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.