So questions to ask:
1 - Are there other programs running in the background which are downloading data?
2 - Is there a file sharing program of some kind running, such as BitTorrent?
3 - Are there other browser tabs open in the background which are downloading data?
4 - Are operating system updates downloading in the background?
5 - Are you sure that someone else isn't using the wifi connection?
6 - Are you sure that the device you got isn't a used device which already had some data usage on it (are the timestamps of the data usage they gave you accurate, or do some fall outside your usage range)?
7 - Are you absolutely positively sure that your number of 1,785,699 kilobytes is actually in kilobytes? Or is it in some other measurement amount other than kilobytes?
1. No. This is a very basic Netbook running XP, no frills or options.
2. No. Email and Facebook, maybe an occasional airline reservation or Amazon shop is all.
3. No. She tends to do one thing at a time.
4. Not a chance with Windows XP.
5. Yes. ATT provided the times and data amounts of each use, and they are ours only.
6. Yes. See #5 above. Also, just-in-case, they swapped out the SIM, new password, same results.
7. Yes. Positive. Add them up and you get two gigabytes:
1,332 (Test at the ATT store to be sure the new $$ were installed)
138,944 (Doug's email and empeg bbs)
1,785,699 (Facebook as if you could't guess)
171,177 (Doug email, empeg bbs, and attempt to check something on when it quit)
2,097,152 Kilobytes =
2,048 Megabytes =
2.000 Gigabytes.
Those four sessions were all we got for our $25, over a total time period of 22 hours.