Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
should I do the update?
In a word: Yes.

With some trepidation I clicked on the "Update Now" button and let Microsoft have its way with my precious computer. The results were anti-climactic.

Because I had painstakingly parameterized my 8.1 install to mimic Vista as much as possible, the Windows 10 installation maintained those settings, and frankly the only obvious difference I can find between my 8.1 and my 10 interface is that the icons in the System Tray are smaller.

Oh, it's nice not having my windows go full-screen whenever I inadvertently allow the mouse cursor to touch the top of the screen, and the nonsense that happened in 8.1 whenever I let the cursor wander over to the far right is now gone.

I guess there were enough complaints about 8.1 that even Microsoft came to the conclusion that not everybody wanted a tablet interface, and that some of us Luddites were still computing on a desktop system.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"