Originally Posted By: tfabris
My personal fave is Classic Shell,
Well, I looked at it and I don't see where it would do anything for me. Probably because I'm not smart enough to see the advantages.

As I said above, just about everything I do is through the icons in the taskbar, which contains icons/links to Windows Explorer, Firefox, Excel, MS-Word, Paint.Net, Rosetta Stone, Adobe Acrobat, TurboFloorPlan, Nero, Google Earth, Control Panel, the "Run" command, a shortcut to "Documents" directory, Command C:> prompt, Oracle Virtual Box [which I still can't make work properly!], uTorrent, Calibre, and Internet Explorer aka Microsoft Edge. The above list is pretty much in order of frequency of use.

There are some links on the desktop: Accountings, Pictures, Scanner, Games, Music, Utilities, etc., that are shortcuts to directories on other hard drives. I am seldom more than two mouse clicks away from whatever I want to do. So I was never able to understand what all the fuss was about when Microsoft took away the Start button in Windows 8. I never used it anyway.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"