Does it also sometimes register a double click when she means to single click?
I don't think that's the case, but I'm not sure there's many cases where she would notice this specifically.
I have a few different Logitech mice, all of the same model (Logitech Anywhere Mouse MX), and all of them developed noisy primary buttons after a few months.
...And if you were holding down the button for a drag operation (such as selecting text) it would randomly act like you had quickly released and then re-held the button at random points during the drag operation.
I think this is probably what's going on. Thanks for the info. The mouse isn't new but isn't super old either. Might be time for a new one.
I have a Logitec MX Master, it performed poorly when I tried to use it on Bluetooth with my MacBook (which to be honest is what I've come to expect from Bluetooth over the years).
Bluetooth might just be my least favorite technology ever invented. I don't believe I've ever experienced a rock-solid bluetooth connection in a history of owning dozens of bluetooth products. Something always goes wrong, from small annoyances like the play/pause button on my headphones won't register on my phone every time, to just complete failures.
I know it's a YMMV situation, but I've never once had a problem with RF mice, yet the two times I've used bluetooth mice they've been a nightmare.
Sorry for the rant

Of course, the other, easier option: Get a new mouse.
Yeah, thanks for the tips, but it's probably time for a new one anyway.
Only speculating here, but perhaps the local wildlife including the mice are a little more erratic due to the severe drought California has been experiencing. May be sadly taking it's toll on the smallest of critters in Yosemite as well as the larger ones.
Haha! Good one