There were some nice products at the keynote, but nothing that got me overly excited.

iPhone 6s: indeed, 3Dtouch is the only true novelty. Well, apart from the new CPU which is supposed to be 70% faster than the iPhone 6' CPU. I'm not all that impressed. Indeed, it seems they have re-invented the right click. But why go through that much trouble? They could've just as well implemented that by using a long press or something. Seems like a lot of trouble to implement something that could've been done much easier through a UI change if you ask me. Prices also only seem to go up. Especially here in Europe, where the strong dollar has be responsible for hardware prices to rise up to 20% higher already. This makes this a really, really expensive phone. (and I'm saying this as somebody who loves his iPhone 5). I must admit: the price, and only the price, has been pushing me to glance at Android solutions like the One Plus One eg.

New Apple-TV. I've got an Apple TV 3 here (received it as a birthday present), and since no jailbreak has ever been released for this model all I'm using it for really is as a "Netflix interface" for my old dumb-tv. But that TV will probably be replaced sometime next year... by a smart TV of course, which will have the Netflix app already installed. So no more need for the Apple TV then.
I've seen the vid and it's nice to see it can be controlled via Siri, but that only seems to work in a couple of languages, Dutch not being one of them. Well, that's the main selling feature gone for me then. I'm not interested in playing games, and if I would be, I'd buy a PS4 or Xbox.

iPad Pro: nice, but crippled in its potential because it runs iOS instead of OSX if you ask me. Basically it's a Microsoft surface that isn't running a desktop OS, so you can't use it as a complete laptop replacement. Microsoft also tried this with their Surface RT series (running on ARM), but it failed completely because all people wanted was the Pro version which did run a desktop OS. Microsoft learned from this and their new Surface lineup only uses the desktop OS anymore. No more Windows RT. I think the same is going to happen with this iPad Pro, but I don't have a glass sphere and Apple certainly isn't Microsoft. It's a nice try to have Microsoft develop an Office version especially tailored to this device, but I do more stuff with my laptop than just Office work. (and I don't think I'm the only one)
In my opinion, in it's current state, it's just a large iPad which is probably nicer to use because of the larger screen. Surfing the net will be easier because of the split screen option. Viewing a movie on it will also be a nicer experience because of the larger screen. But is that worth the extra cost? I doubt it.
Oh, and the stylus (can I say stylus? 'cause it is a stylus!) doesn't ship with the iPad Pro in the box? Really? And there's no slit somewhere in the iPad Pro so you can tuck it away? You're bound to loose it pretty quickly then. (Steve jobs thought so as well in 2007). No, I don't see this becoming a big success in its current state. We'll see.

Apple Watch. New watchbands and version 2 of it's OS, which will allow it to run native apps. I'm curious to see to what this will lead, because so for I haven't been terribly tempted to want one. I hope this will change with the native apps.
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