Originally Posted By: DWallach
Originally Posted By: Dignan
Interesting. I easily make it through an entire day and more. For me it was turning off the fitness features, which didn't seem very accurate to me anyway (I question the accuracy of all wrist-worn fitness trackers).

Curiouser and curiouser. I had previously disabled all of these things, blocking notifications and whatnot, but in the upgrade to newer Wear versions it appears that the "Fit" app turned itself back on. I was still blocking its notifications, so I never noticed.

I've now turned it off. (Damnit!) And I don't have "Moto Body" installed at all. I'll see if this fixes my battery life concerns.

That makes sense. I can't remember why, but at some point I needed to reset my watch. This re-enabled all the crud I disabled earlier. It still bothers me that by default BOTH Motorola and Google's fitness trackers are enabled. So there are two things counting my steps and sending data back to my phone. What's even worse is that I don't believe there's any way to completely turn off Motorola's stuff. For example, if I take my watch off sometimes and leave it face down on a desk, I'll notice a little green light on the back. I believe that's to measure heart rate, even though I've turned off everything I can think of. Argh.

This bothers me because I'm the type of smartwatch user who really wants a minimal amount of utility from my watch. I want it to give me notifications and some glanceable data and that's it.