It's high time I update our family's storage/back-up plans.

We currently have an OS X laptop that serves as my wife's primary work machine, an older iMac that's used mainly for printing (via a USB connection), and a couple of linux desktops. Our primary use for all of the machines is work for her theatre company -- photography, some video editing, design work (playbills, brochures, etc), and the like. Stuff is largely stored locally on each individual machine, which is awful. My wife emails herself things on the laptop, so she can go upstairs and print them out, because she doesn't want to install crappy, bloated printer drivers on her laptop. The iMac was our primary machine for several years, so it, at least, has a couple of external USB drives used for time machine backups. Nothing else (including her work laptop) has ever been backed up.

This all needs to change.

I want some centralized storage, so that we have easier shared access to documents and media. I want all of our machines backed up regularly (preferably to centralized storage, then central storage to the cloud, I think). I want the printer connected to the NAS, so that we can print from anywhere. And I need a network that can support this -- right now, my wife works primarily over wifi, everything else is wired via the 4-port FIOS router we got from our ISP. It would be spiffy if we could join the modern life, and have some centralized media streaming, but that's less important.

We've been round about this topic of conversation before, but the last time I recall seeing it was a few years ago, so since technology changes so quickly, I figured I'd start out fresh. I can deal with configuration, etc, but I really know jack about the various turnkey NAS hardware options available, and even less about cloud storage offerings (last I looked, many of them frowned on backing up network drives). I don't mind something like freeNAS, but I don't want to shop for components and build my own hardware beyond opening a box up to add more drives to expand capacity.

What do you all use, recommend, and anti-recommend?