Heh, I can see why you would think that. Indeed, I had been glancing at Android phones for a while now and just needed a good excuse I guess.

Understandable. I still dabble and poke at the other platforms out of curiosity. Just recently had a Samsung Galaxy S6 on loan for a month for $1. I think part of my reaction lately is realizing my own failings where I've let irrational hatred guide my actions in the past, and it's usually not led to good areas. Take my reply as more of a gentle nudge to make sure some curiosity of Android is also there for a more pleasant experience

On the other hand, that 3.5" jack rumor came from a source that has been right in the past. So I believe there is a good chance this rumor may be correct also. Apple hasn't been that good at keeping their secrets a secret the last couple of years. Lately, almost all new features of their products were already disclosed before the actual presentation.
That's part of why I hedged my own statement earlier with "I wouldn't put it past Apple to do this". I've also believed some Apple rumors in the past that didn't come to fruition, so I tend to play a wait and see attitude these days. Sometimes the rumors are true at the time, then a change happens to invalidate the rumor.
Apple is leaky with the iPhone hardware due to the scale of that operation, as the leaks come from the supply chain. I've also seen them get better at secrecy in many other areas, more so then the Jobs era. Swift being one of the big "where did that come from" reveals lately. That caught a lot of people inside Apple by surprise due to how secret it was. And now it's at the opposite end of the spectrum, what I'd consider "open" to be, and it's past the "openness" of AOSP.