Heh, I can see why you would think that. Indeed, I had been glancing at Android phones for a while now and just needed a good excuse I guess.

Understandable. I still dabble and poke at the other platforms out of curiosity. Just recently had a Samsung Galaxy S6 on loan for a month for $1. I think part of my reaction lately is realizing my own failings where I've let irrational hatred guide my actions in the past, and it's usually not led to good areas. Take my reply as more of a gentle nudge to make sure some curiosity of Android is also there for a more pleasant experience

I thought that was an excellent promotion from Samsung, that $1 for a month of use thing. If something like that had existed over here, I surely would have taken them up on it too.
Of course, this is not about true hatred. Hatred is such a strong word anyway, very much overused (I'm guilty of that too)
I think I read it best just this week, when I read someone claiming that "every system has its pros, it's just about how much you can live with the cons". I think this is very true.
For me:
Apple: very stable, very secure, just works. Cons: not much freedom of movement because Apple dictates it all (but this is probably necessary to make it "just work"), sometimes fewer features because of that, price.
Android: pros: more freedom, cheaper (though not with the true high-end models anymore, like eg. the new Nexus 6P) cons: not as secure, higher learning curve.(though I guess this is getting a lot better with recent Android builds)
I'm not considering other OS'es like Windows phone, Ubuntu or Firefox.

That's part of why I hedged my own statement earlier with "I wouldn't put it past Apple to do this". I've also believed some Apple rumors in the past that didn't come to fruition, so I tend to play a wait and see attitude these days. Sometimes the rumors are true at the time, then a change happens to invalidate the rumor.
Even more, I think if any company would "dare" to do this, it would be Apple. But indeed, wait and see is the best policy I guess.