Originally Posted By: Roger
However, I can believe that TFS uses a bunch of paradigms from Source Depot (and hence from Perforce), because that's what the developer division at Microsoft were used to.

I could see that, and likely my mind has blurred some past discussions a bit. Worked with both a former project manager and and former engineering lead from the developer tools side of Microsoft. Our discussions were usually mixed with cursing some code merge pains from the Unreal engine during crunch times on DC Universe.

I do remember both of them were happier with the tools Perforce had at the time, TFS was in it's infancy and having some growing pains. The former PM quickly backed off his plans to switch the studio to TFS when he realized in that era it wasn't suitable for large game development. I've heard it's improved a lot, which is also the case for Perforce compared to where that old Source Depot fork happened.