Well... I've also got 1.03 dev installed, so that's probably not it.

What should be happening is that the init script runs the pick_list script, which then either starts alarmclock or continues on to run the player. If you're not seeing the picker options after boot, then I'd guess that one of these is happening:
1) Your init script isn't calling pick_list
2) The init script can't find pick_list
3) Picker can't be started.

I'd make sure that the init script (in /sbin/) is okay - from hyperterm you can display it on screen using
cat /sbin/init

If that's okay, check that the pick_list and picker files are in /drive0/var, and that all files have execute permissions set - you can view these using:
ls -l [file]

One thing I have found is that if you're sending a file to your Empeg that's already on it, you need to remove it first. I don't know if that would have anything to do with it, but it's something that's caught me out quite a few times!

If you still can't see any problems, drop me an email on the address in my profile, and I'll have at look through the problem with you in more detail.


Mark 2 #080000515
Was 12GB Blue, now 42GB Green!
