It is a dire time for Europe. I did not expect this outcome, and we're not facing a nice future - in the short term at least.

But, on an more optimistic note, it is in such times that best things can come.

Hopefully, UK citizens will join EU more convinced in the future, and, most importantly, a better European Union can now be redesigned, not as gray, faceless bureaucrats would do, but as Europeans would.

Italy has traditionally been a strong supporter of the European Union - the Citizens even more than the Governments -. Interestingly though, today's poll showed that 72% (!) of Italians believe that the EU is more responsible than the UK for Brexit. While I would have not voted for leaving the EU, I have to agree for once with the polls. Brexit is a wrong decision, but as beautiful as the idea of a United Europe is, I find the EU we built so far really hard to love.
= Taym =
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