Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'd go over the 50 device limit by, I don't know, about 300 bulbs. ... I have about 35 switches now and want to add more)
That's absolutely insane. Inside my house, I have a total of 25 light bulbs, controlled by seven switches. Two more switches control seven more bulbs outside on the deck.

Haha yes, it probably is insane. And I don't have what's considered a very large house for my area. I have about 36 switches, with about 5 of those being 3-way switches.

I pretty off on the number of bulbs. If I count from memory, it's actually 150 bulbs. But even if there weren't a 50 device limit, I'd still be spending somewhere between $3800 and $4500 just for bulbs.

That's why for most cases, I prefer switches to bulb replacements. If I use switches for anything that controls 4 or more bulbs instead of changing the bulbs themselves, then I only need 13 switches to control 76 bulbs. That's around $2200 vs $520! Still a big investment, but clearly much more affordable. It also reduces the number of devices on the system.

But yes, I realize I have a lot of bulbs and switches already. One of the crazier instances is my basement, which the former owner finished and absolutely filled with recessed lights. Between two rooms there are 20 bulbs on three switches (10 on one).