Okay, now I'm concerned. I was driving in to work today, minding my own business, listening to my music. I got thru about 4 songs (total empeg power-on time about 20 minutes), and the empeg just.... stopped playing.
The display was fine, and unresponsive to any input. The icon on the bottom left (play/pause/etc) was showing play.

Thinking that the particular song I was somehow freaking out the player, I did a 'hard reset' by pulling it out of the dash, counting to 10, and plugging it back in. I thought -perhaps in vain - that catching the song before it started to play and hitting pause would le me skip past it. Not so.

Several repeated attempts show the same pattern: Boot, init, show song, show "playing", freeze. Attempts to hit the "playlist" button 4 times to randomize all of the playlists got me as far the last big triangle symbol for play. Then freeze.

Getting home, I decided to re-upgrade the player - I had put developer 1.03 on, so I thought I'd put consumer 1.03 on. I reloaded the image, let it do it's thing, and this time... I was rewarded of a display of the first song in my playlist. Repeated attempts to press buttons caused the unit to skip to song 546 - where it had originally frozen, and do no more.

I re-upgraded back to developer 1.03 and started to watch the serial output. It gets all the way down to "empeg-car 1.03.", the display locks, and after several button presses, I see...

Restored terminal settings

Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
No secondary hard disk
Player exited normally: 1
Switching to shell-player loop
Starting bash.

And it's not responsive to hyper-term at 115K, 8N1, no flow control.

I'm truly at a loss. It's hard to tshoot an os-level problem when the machine hangs.

I've never opened the unit, and aside from the remote display hack, never really mucked about that much.

Um, help?

Dan Gentry Empeg Mk II, 12GB Blue, #106 [email protected]