Hmm.... To answer the posts that have been put up so far...

Tony - I did fire off a mail to support, and they suggested trying to skip past the offending song. I've tried that with little success, but I'll, um, try harder. He did also suggest sending a ctrl-c on bootup to interrupt the startup scripts. I don't have much hope in that working.

Paul / Greg : It's a clean load of the developer image with no freaky stuff. :-) Don't think that it's a sticky button issues. How (aside from tactile feedback) would I check?

Hugo: Ok, I'll zap the playlist and see what happens, but the player usually hangs prior to getting anything useful done.

Support did mentinon that the 2.0 version should be able to handle corrupted files better. I asked if I could get a copy to see if it resolved my issue, but he didn't respond... (hint hint hint)

Thanks for your input guys - it's really appreciated. I will be able to do more troubleshooting from home tonight.


Empeg Mk II, 12GB Blue, #106
Dan Gentry Empeg Mk II, 12GB Blue, #106 [email protected]